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How to Cleanse Yourself and Your Home Using Sage [Step-by-Step]

Updated: May 30, 2019

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1. Gather your supplies

The sage you’ll use for cleansing isn’t the kind you pick up in the produce section. Instead, get a bundle of dried ceremonial white sage from the internet, a natural foods store or metaphysical store.

If you really want to give your cleanse session the full ceremonial treatment, you can create an altar for your supplies on any flat, raised surface—like a table, a bookshelf, or a bedside stand. If you’re sensitive to smoke—or want to sage in a no-smoking zone, like your office—you can create a cleansing mist instead. Just fill a glass spray bottle with filtered water and add a few drops of sage essential oil. Shake well and use it just as you would the sage bundle.

2. Prepare

Before lighting the sage, you should walk through your home and move any clutter or things that would be in the way as you walk about. Open some windows, and the closet doors. Then, walk to your altar and light a candle, set your intention to cleanse all negative energy, and then light the sage using the candle. Blow it out so the leaves are glowing and smoking. Put the sage into a heat proof bowl, plate or abalone shell.

3. Cleansing time

With both hands, bring the smoke into your heart, over your head and down the front and back of your body to cleanse yourself. Pick up the sage and with one hand wave the smoke onto your body starting at the feet and working up to your neck.

Next, starting on the lowest level of your space, move room to room and use your hand or breath to force the smoke into all corners. Move in a clockwise direction around your house (usually starting at the front door), and gently wave the smoke into the air as you move. Spend a bit more time smudging the room corners, as they tend to accumulate stagnant energy. Be sure to also open the closet doors and carefully smudge inside. Once you’ve finished cleansing, put out your sage by gently pressing it into the bowl or plate. You may wish to fill your bowl with dirt or sand to help conduct heat better and for using to snub out the sage bundle. Using water could wet the stick too much and make it hard to relight. You may also choose to let the sage burn until it goes out on its own. Return the sage to your altar. You can re-light your bundle as often as possible until it burns down too low to use.

4. After the session

Once you’ve cleansed yourself and space, the energy often relaxes. This is the time for you to fill the space with positive energy. You can do this with music or mantra chanting as you walk about. Some people like to spray rose water in the air in each room. Most people should cleanse their space and themselves once a week. But, use your intuition and do it as often as you feel necessary. Also, it depends on what sort of day you are having. Or if you are in a profession where you connect with lots of other people on a daily basis, especially when you are helping them solve problems or deal with grief, you may want to cleanse at the end of the day. But the more frequently you do it, the better.

Happy Saging!

***Watch the Video on YouTube - How to Use Sage to Purify Your Home ***

Buy Your Sage Supplies Here

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